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Friday, October 5, 2012

Carriacou Harrier Hash

Grenada is greatly influenced by British colonialism.  The locals and cruisers get together for  Harrier House Hashing which is reminescent of the hunters chasing rabbits and running over hill and dale.
There is a weekly hash which entails a Harrier to set the trail and false trails which are marked with shredded balls of white paper.  There is often a "Walkers" trail as well as the "Runners" trail.  Needless to say, we do the "Walkers".  This is rigourous enough and although it takes only a couple of hours long we have earned the right to quenching our thirst just as vigourously and enjoying barbequed chicken or "oil down" and veggies to revive all of us "hunters".  If you are a "Virgin" Hasher you are inducted with an elaborate initiation which is mostly being sprayed with many fizzed up bottles of Carib Beer.  And if you dare to wear new sneakers, you are ceased and made to drink out of your shoe!

A fantastic sail north-east from Grenada to Carriacou and just past Kick'em Jenny, the underwarer active Volcano.

Arrival time:  Sunset in Carriacou.

Some of our "core" crew and inspiration.  Gabrielle and Marty from  S/Y Santosha and Linda and Tim from S/Y Matsu .

Following the infamous Dr. Evil!  

Unsuspecting Virjins drinking Carib out of new shoes!

And the Hash begins.......Half way up the mountain.

View of the Windward side of Carriacou

Linda, Maureen and Donna (Merlin) on top!!

We made it (now we have to make it down!)

Wade and Dave (from Merlin) getting 'high"!

Harvest Moon Rise

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